
Hii, I'm Chetan S

Aspiring Full Stack Web Developer. I am a creative and motivated individual with a passion for development and technology. I have developed a strong skillset in full stack web development,python programming and Javascript programming.

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Full Stack Web Development

Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, React. Experienced in developing responsive, cross-browser compatible web pages. Strong understanding of database systems, such as MySQL, MongoDB, and SQL Server.

Javascript Programming

With a solid foundation in JavaScript, I possess a deep understanding of its core concepts, including variables, functions, objects, and event handling. I am well-versed in modern frameworks and libraries such as React and Node.js, leveraging their power to create efficient and scalable applications.

Linux and Git Version Control

Proficient in using Linux.And familiar with Git for version control in software development projects. Experienced in managing code repositories, collaborating with cross-functional teams, and conducting code reviews. Skilled in using Git CLI and GUI tools such as GitHub, GitLab.



I'd love to hear from you! Whether you have a question, a project in mind, or just want to say hello, feel free to reach out.
Thank you for visiting my portfolio Website, and I hope to hear from you soon...

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